SIL/10/051 - TIPDO Wells Project

Country Sierra Leone
Total project budget ($USD) $20,000
Requested funding ($USD) $14,000
Project development type Improve Physical Environment
Name of Requesting Association Tipdo
Objective: To provide good quality drinking water for two villages.
Background: At present the inhabitants of Kathankina have to walk two miles through a wild path to reach they the hole they have dug, from which they fetch highly contaminated water. The existing water well in the village has been abandoned as it was situated in the wrong place (no water). The people of Kakamathor have to walk a mile-and-a-half to reach an equally highly contaminated stream from which they retrieve dirty water that they use to cook, clean and nourish their children. The results of this unhealthy water are devastating in both communities, including various infectious diseases such as cholera, salmonella, typhoid fever, distended stomachs and various skin rashes (especially in the children). The project aims to address the problem by drilling a borehole in each community so that safe water will be available and accessible all year round. Drilling of the borehole will be carried out by a reliable firm of hydraulic engineers, who will guarantee maintenance of the well. Community members will also be given training on use of the boreholes. The cost of importing materials is very high as a result of taxes imposed by the government on foreign good, hence the high cost of the equipment in comparison with other African countries.
Use of Funds: The funds will be used to construct two borehole wells (one each in two communities which are situated two miles apart) to provide clean drinking water for the inhabitants.
Beneficiaries: 400